Traitors Gate

by Mike Jones

Salt Tower


On your left as you reach the foot of the stairs is a hole in the wall covered by plastic.


Use your multi-tool to undo the screws and remove the plastic cover.

Use the brass key to reveal a hidden recess.   Inside is a piece of paper, take a photograph of it.

Go up the stairs on your left, along the wall, through the door, first door on your left takes you back to the hospital block.

Make your way to the computer room and retrieve your DLU from the video box.




Head back to the sewers by going to the sleeping man, down the left-hand corridor and through the door on your right, in the floor is the sewer cover.     
Navigate to the area in the sewers marked on the map 'video boxes'.   These are similar to those in the Hospital Block.  Check the boxes with your scart lead, place your DLU on the box that shows internal views (not the vault views), turn it on.  Navigate to the sewer exit to Devereaux Tower.
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