Traitors Gate

by Mike Jones

Hospital Block


Open the boxes and use your scart lead and PDA to determine which box has the feed from outside the Tower.


Put the DLU onto the connection in the box showing the external views.   Remember to switch it on!

Close the box and turn left to where you will see a revolving door.  Enter the door and press the switch on the back of the door, it will revolve and reveal a room containing a computer.




Go to the desk on which the computer is sitting.  Pick up the blue floppy disk.   Switch on the computer, on the screen will be two codes.   Use your code calculator to find the key.  (Using the calculator keys, put your pincode in first and click on the enter key, then enter the code from the computer screen and press enter, this will give you the key to enter on the computer screen). Use the keyboard (yours) to enter the key and press the return key (do not use your numeric keypad).


You will need to enter a password.   A clue to this was in the safe, a piece of paper with a picture.   Earlier you took a photograph of some graffiti, the password is the word blacked out on the piece of paper (reveal).   Enter this and press return.   For now all you need are the door codes, make a note of them in your PDA.


Leave the computer and make your way back to the sleeping man, on the way you will pass some filling cabinets in the corridor, if you are observant you will see that the programmers have made a joke here and one of the labels on the filing cabinets reads: PLAIN SHIT

Go left past the sleeping man to the door on your right, enter and go down into the sewers.  Once in the sewers navigate to the moat area.


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