Traitors Gate

by Mike Jones

Devereaux Tower


Once in the security room head towards the main desk.   On the desk is a green folder, open the folder and flick through the pages, at the back of the folder is another code calculator (you've seen these before), pick it up.


Turn to the man lying on the floor and if you look close enough you will see a loop attached to his belt with a chain that disappears into his pocket.  Pull the chain and you will retrieve a key.

Walk around the back of the desk to a filing cabinet.




Unlock the filing cabinet with the key you have just obtained.   Inside is a box with a three digit combination lock.   The code for this was revealed on the computer screen in the hospital as a door code (reveal), enter the code and open the box to reveal a blue key.   Take the key.


Turn right and move across to the kitchen area.


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